I went to a screening of David Gordon Green's new movie "Snow Angels" at BAM last weekend. It was part of the Sundance Institute series at BAM. I am a HUGE fan of DGG. "All the Real Girls" is one of my favorite movies and there was no way I was going to miss this special screening and to hear him answer some questions.
On my way out I decided to walk up to him and say "hi." I told him I really enjoyed the movie and he thanked me for coming to see it. I ended up talking to him for about 30 seconds as he was walking out of the theater. It went a little like this...
Me: Hi, I'm a big fan and just wanted to say hi.
DGG: Thanks for coming out.
Me: No problem. I really enjoyed the movie.
DGG: Thanks man. I appreciate.
Me: I'm a filmmaker myself, actually.
DGG: Oh yeah? What have you done?
Me: I just finished my first feature.
DGG: Cool, what's it called?
Me: It's called "Running Funny."
DGG: Did you direct it?
Me: Yeah, I directed it and co-wrote the script.
DGG: Is it any good?
Me: Well, yeah, I'm really proud of it. We're trying to take it to festivals now.
DGG: It can be a tough road.
Me: Yeah, it is.
...then he was ambushed by more people, and I slipped out the door. I walked to the subway with a smile on my face. I met one of my favorite directors ever!! For some reason I was surprised by how nice he was. I don't know why I expected him to not give a shit that one of his fans wanted to introduce himself and tell him that he's a filmmaker too, who recently completed his first feature and hopes to screen it at a lot of film festivals!
To be honest, "Snow Angels" isn't David's best work, but it was still pretty good.