Thursday, October 30, 2008

Synecdoche, New York

I went to see Charlie Kaufman's new movie "Synecdoche, New York" last weekend. Man, this was a weird movie. I thought it was an interesting story, but I was completely confused by most of it and I found myself constantly wondering what the point of the whole thing was. "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" remains my favorite Kaufman movie thus far.

I also re-watched "Jaws" recently for my screenwriting class, and I forgot how GREAT that movie is! Very little of it seems outdated and there were several parts where I was genuinely frightened. Hard to believe Spielberg was only in his twenties when he directed it.

Keep an eye out for more Running Funny DVD release news!

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Wrestler

I was lucky enough to snag a couple of tickets to the New York Film Festival's Closing Night screening of Darren Aronofsky's "The Wrestler." I LOVED THIS MOVIE. Mickey Rourke is brilliant in it and he will most certainly be nominated for an Oscar. I must admit that I have never been a fan of professional wrestling, but the story is so moving and Mickey Rourke's performance is so powerful, that you realize it's not really a film about wrestling at all. I'm not going to give away anything else. Go. See. This. Film. It opens on December 19th.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

DVD Release -- Save the Date!!

"Running Funny" will be released on January 13, 2009!! You can pre-order the DVD on, Netflix, Blockbuster Online, and in Hollywood Video stores beginning in December. It will be the perfect holiday gift, even though you won't get it until January 13th, but good things come to those who wait.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Max in The Express

Max Osinski, who played Michael in "Running Funny," has a part in the new Dennis Quaid film, "The Express," which opens nationwide tomorrow. I've heard the movie is really good so go check it out this weekend!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Elle and Guy

Gene Gallerano ("Running Funny" and "Skeeball") is in a really cool new short film called "Elle and Guy." Check out the Elle and Guy website, and view the trailer for the film by searching for "Elle and Guy trailer" on YouTube. Gene gives a really good performance so please check it out!