I'm spending the summer finishing up a screenplay that I've been working on for a while in conjunction with a screenwriting class I'm taking. The class has been incredibly helpful in ironing out the problems I've been having with the story. I had never taken a screenwriting class before, but I wish I had. I've already signed up for an advanced class in the fall. I also secretly took the class to wet my appetite for grad school, and it has. I am totally applying to Columbia.
Good movies you should see:
Frozen River (Sundance Grand Jury Prize winner)
Man On Wire (Sundance winner also)
The Dark Knight (Christopher Nolan continues to impress)
Tropic Thunder (Downey, Jr. is comedy gold)
The New York Film Festival starts next month and being a member of the Film Society of Lincoln Center, I get first dibs on tickets. I'm hoping to get a chance to see Clint Eastwood and Darren Aronofsky's new movies, "Changeling" and "The Wrestler," but being the most anticipated movies of the festival, they will no doubt sell out quickly. I'm tempted to see Soderbergh's ridiculously long bio-pic "Che," but I don't know if I have the patience for it.